26 May 2009

smacked in the face by reality

I was at a barbecue yesterday, at a friend's house. About 3 or 4 people had their kids with them -- all babies under the age of two. People in our little social circle are just starting to get to that point in their lives. At one point, one of the guys took in the whole scene in the backyard, and said, "Some of our friends are having babies. Holy crap -- we're adults!"

Seriously, when did this happen? Because I remember being a kid, and thinking that the adults around me knew pretty much everything. And here on the other side of that equation ... maybe I just didn't get my manual yet. I should check the mail.

Also, this happened between Mr. UB & I today, via text:

Me: I found a half-flattened ping pong ball in my jeans from yesterday.

Him: Is there something you need to tell me?

Me: Apparently I stole a ping pong ball.

Him. From??

Me: Probably the guys playing beer pong. Either that, or I picked a stray ball off the lawn & forgot I had it.

Him: Aw, man! I love beer pong!

Thank goodness we found each other. I can't imagine anyone else understanding either of us.


Samantha said...

*sigh* I love you. Thank you for reminding me that not all my friends have kids, but I've had 2 spit out children just this week alone.

Mrs Nipper Knapp said...

AS one of those people with an under two, I want you to know that as his parent, I DO know everything. Don't you know that you get a life manual at the hospital? Duh!