We saw a
ton of places in S.F. on Tuesday, in our attempt to see if there's another venue we love that fits our budget. First stop: Golden Gate Park, which Mr. UB's sister & her husband were kind enough to live near. (Thanks, guys!) Candidate #1: The Shakespeare Garden:

Okay, that's pretty darn sweet. It even has an aisle. The sundial's a little inconveniently placed, but hopeful my Dad would be able to prevent my walking directly into it. (I'm a rare level of clumsy.) Here's the reverse view of the arbor:
(He's so cute.)
The rest of the space looks like this:

It's not very big, but neither is our wedding. And I have a deep affinity for all things Bard. Still, in the late summer/fall, those trees will no longer be blossoming. (I asked. They said no. The nerve.) So it's a "Strong Maybe," but there's lots left to see.
Candidate 2: The Chinese Pavillion:

It's in the middle of a big lake in the park, and it looks really pretty, nestled among all that greenery. Close-up, it's very colorful:

It even has a cute little bridge that we could make into a pseudo-aisle:

But there's a stone (read: immovable) table surrounded by stone stools dead-center in the middle of it. And it has a rail inside that would make seats very hard to arrange, even in the round. Plus, I think Mr. UB put it best: "It makes a very strong cultural statement, which is neither of our cultures." Fair enough. No-go.
There was actually another place next to the Pavillion that we both really liked, but it's way too much work:

Us & our officiant up there on the bridge?

Our guests on chairs down there? Vice-versa? I know, I know ... totally impractical. But maybe some other
non-satin shoe wearing bride can make it work. Moving on.
Candidate #4: The Fuschia Garden:

I hope it's more spectacular when things are blooming, because at the moment it looks like a nice little corner, but that's it. We both want something a little more ... special for our wedding. I'm sure that lady on the bench was wondering why the hell I took her picture, though.
Not-really-a-Candidate: The Conservatory of Flowers:

It's not on our list because it's too expensive. But we walked right past it & I liked the building so I took a picture. Another reason why it's out of the question: it's basically a giant hothouse. My hair would frizz.
Lest we lose our minds, a brief time-out: Random stuff in the park that made me happy:

I don't know what kind of flowers these are, but the sun was illuminating them beautifully. I felt like I was pretending to be
Peonies. And speaking of Scottish people:

A free-roaming bagpiper, fully kilted-out. I love the sound of the bagpipes, but when they're played badly it sounds like cats being walked on. This guy rocked.

A cellist on the run.

The architecture junkie in me
loves the deYoung Museum. You can go to the viewing platform on the top floor for free. (Hooray, free!)

You can see the whole city from up there. This is the street His Sister lives on.

The Golden Gate, peeking over a hill.
Okay -- enough screwing around. We're on a freakin'
mission here, people. Back to work!
Candidate #5: The Music Concourse:

His Mom suggested it, and it is pretty. But it's exposed to one of the busiest areas of the park (between 2 museums). Oh, and it's being earthquake retrofitted, too, just like our original venue. We're not doing that again.
Leaving GGP ... Candidate #6: Levi Strauss Park:

Another place suggested by His Mom. (And by the way, our people have been
amazing at rallying to help us solve this.) It's a tiny little park down by the Embarcadero. And again, it's very pretty, but the only area where you could possibly have a ceremony is tiny:
(Stoopid people walking into my frame.) It's also privately owned, which might complicate renting it. Oh, and the only parking around it is meters, which cost
10¢ for every 2.5 minutes!!! What. The. Fuck? Never mind.
And finally ... because I made him go take a look ... Candidate The Winner: The Palace of Fine Arts:

I mean seriously, people. Look at that. And it costs
the same as the other places we looked at -- $650 for three hours. It's available from May 15 until August 15. August 15th could happen.
I've obviously been thinking a lot about this whole location drama, and wondering if the urge to dig in my heels is perhaps the slightest bit 'Zilla-ish. Lucky for me, my friend Tolley called:
Her: I don't know if anyone's had this conversation with you, so if I'm over-stepping my bounds, let me know.
Me: Okay?
Her: I read about your date/location dilemma in your blog, and you're being very practical.
Me: I'm trying!
Her: I just wanted to point out that it seems like having your wedding at the Palace of Fine Arts has become your dream. Maybe it didn't exist before you acquired the ring, but it exists now.
Me: Kind of, yeah. I'd agree with that.
Her: Then will you please stop being so damn practical, and be a fucking bride for a moment? If you want that to happen and the date has to change, the people who love you will be there.
Me: Thank god you called ...I have good friends.
This post has gotten very long, but I'm going to write more soon about this part. The "It's not the absolute cheapest way to make it happen, but it fits our budget and we love it" part. Consider yourselves warned.